CACFP Consulting Services

At The Healthy School Food Collaborative (HSFC), we believe that mealtime should be a positive experience for everyone. Hunger and unbalanced nutrition are a reality for many adults and children, which is why we are passionate about supporting Child and Adult Food Care Programs (CACFP) across the country. Keep reading to learn more, and please contact us with any questions!


The USDA has recently revealed the federal reimbursement rates for the 2023-24 School Year concerning the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program. From July 1 onwards, both school lunch and breakfast will experience an 8.27% rise in the base reimbursement rates per serving. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to note that despite this increment, a net decrease is evident in comparison to the previous year’s reimbursements. This reduction is attributed to the absence of additional funds from the now-expired Keep Kids Fed Act (KKFA).

Child and Adult Care Food Program consulting
Child and Adult Care Food Program consulting

Who We Serve

At HSFC, we understand the complexities that come with establishing a program that offers healthy meals to children and adults. We offer our nutrition consulting services to childcare centers, adult daycare centers, after-school programs, and many other organizations. We also extend our services to schools and school districts, providing comprehensive food service consulting solutions for their school food service programs.

Whether you operate a small childcare center or a large school district, our team at HSFC has the expertise and knowledge to support you in creating a food service program that prioritizes nutrition and meets the unique needs of your facility.

Determining CACFP Eligibility

If you’re not sure if your site qualifies for CACFP eligibility, we can help you determine what changes or updates need to be made, or if there are certain applications or reviews you need to submit or follow in order to establish your meal program.

Navigating the requirements and eligibility criteria of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) can be complex. At HSFC, our experienced consultants are here to guide you through the process of determining your eligibility. We will assess your current setup and operations, meticulously reviewing your meal program to ensure compliance with the necessary qualifications.

Child and Adult Care Food Program consulting
Child and Adult Care Food Program consulting

Preparation, Training, and Management

Through our CACFP consulting services, you will find that your organization is better prepared for Sponsor reviews, your staff is trained on CACFP regulations, and the vendor proposal and selection process is better managed. We want you to feel confident that your program is on the right track!

In addition to our comprehensive food service consulting, we also offer ongoing support and guidance to ensure that your program continues to thrive. Our team of experts will be available to answer any questions or address any concerns that may arise throughout the implementation process.


As a School Food Authority (SFA) or Local Education Agency (LEA), it’s imperative for you to have procurement policies that align with federal, state, and local regulations. At HSFC, we can provide an expert procurement review to ensure your program is compliant and there are no issues with your SFA or LEA status.

Our expert procurement review services are designed to thoroughly assess your procurement policies and procedures, identifying any potential gaps or areas for improvement. Our team of procurement specialists will work closely with you to ensure that your program is fully compliant with federal, state, and local regulations.

If you would like to learn more about our CACFP consulting services, or you have a question about our services in general, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We would love to speak with you about what options are available for your organization, and how we can help you provide healthy, balanced meals to adults and children in your community. Contact HSFC today to get assistance with nutrition and food service management.